{You and your boyfriend Niall are giving an interview}
Interviewer:-So, how does it feel that you used to be a fan of Niall and now you guys are the cutest and most popular couple in the world? It would be nice if you could tell us how did you meet and fall in love with each other?
You:-Well...how did I fall in love with him?He got my attention in no time!I mean...look at him!I started watching videos of him and the other lads on Youtube, made a twitter account and follow them all etc.When I went to my first 1D concert I would say that I was already in love with him.
Niall:-Yeh!Actually she was goin' crazy and was screamin' incredibly loudly!And then...I saw her. I had never seen someone like her before. Even with the tears in her eyes and her hair totally messed up, I managed to see what a beautiful face she had. During the concert I caught myself many times looking at her. I just couldn't get enough!Holy poo poo!She was the one.When the concert was over, I realized that I might do not see her ever again!And I was like hells no!Zayn asked me why I was so upset and who I was looking for. And then I replied "I think I found my princess, Zayn!I think I did." She didn't come to meet us backstage and I was feeling so damn not okay. I couldn't even fake smiling or take pictures with the other fans. Harry was like "What the fuck are you doing man?Our fans are starting to get dissapointed".But still...I didn't really care. In fact I went out, I left the building. I started running and I didn't even know where I was going. Now that I'm thinking about it...I had honestly lost my mind!As well as I was running a girl screamed "OH MY GOSH! HE'S NIALL HORAN FROM ONE DIRECTION" !It took like 5 seconds for a massive group of fans to start chasing me. I got lost and I didn't know how to react to that. I just wished I could change back time. And exactly at the moment when I thought it was the end, the beautiful girl, for who I went through all these to find, came up right in front of me. She said "Niall, come with me!You can hide at my home if you want to!You know..just for a couple of hours..till those crazy fans eventually dissapear."
So she took my hand and we ran. It was so cold outside and I was already tired of all this running but I had an incredible desire for her to take me home!Hahahaha she what I did there?Anyways, finally we reached the house.
Interviewer:-Wow Niall, I'm impressed!What you did was totally insane!But it was kinda romantic!So you did go to her home when she asked you to.
Niall:-Yeh!Of course I did. And to be honest she was more calm than me!Like I knew I was the famous one, but butterflies were flying into my stomach. It sounds chlidish I know!I was feeling like that and I couldn't hide my excitement.
Interviewer:-Was her family there or you guys were home...alone?Together.
You:-Actually we were together!Nobody else was in the house!So it was totally like a dream to me!You know me and Niall FREAKING Horan at my house all alone!Ahh I asked him to pinch me so I could see if I was dreaming or not!
Niall:-And then I pinched her cheek!Hehe!
Interviewer:-Aww!Let's move on!I'm so curious to see what you guys did afterwards.
You:-I was about to faint!My heart was ready to explode.
Niall:-Then I said "Calm down baby, it's just me" After that I gave her one of what I've been told about Directioners call Horan Hugs!
You:- So yay...that was when I got my first Horan Hug!
Interviewer:-I bet now you get tons of those .
Niall:-And she even gets more *winks*
Interviewer:-Niall, that was dirty!
Niall:- Nope!Not at all!Hahahah I meant that she gets some kisses on the forehead too!
Interviewer:-Anyways guys, what's next?
Niall:-When I hugged her she was tremblin'!I was looking staight to her eyes and I was almost sure that anytime then she will scream. But she didn't. She took my hand really softly and leaded me to her room.
Interviewer:-Oh my god!In her room?Directly to bed hahah!
Niall: Hahahahahahaha yeah!Suddenly my iphone started ringing...it was the lads!I picked it up and Harry started saying 'Niall, we're looking for you and cannot find you!Where are you?"I frozen up. Really, where were I?In a house of a stranger?Without knowing how to return back? I didn't say a thing. I just left the iphone and walked to her bed. I sat there. She was standing infront of me.I smiled at her and she smiled back. It was kinda of awkward for both of us. "Watcha name?" I asked while smiling at the floor. Then we got to know each other and I was sure that sooner or later she will become my girlfriend, the one I was looking for all my life.
Interviewer:-You're such a sweet boyfriend, Niall! I'm glad to have taken an interview of you guys!I hope we'll chat again soon!
Niall:-It was fun!Thank you lots!Now I think I'll take my girl to Nandos!
He says while he is holding your face in his warm hands and then kisses your lips as the interviewer walks away.
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