Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy birthday dude.

Absolute shit. This made me want to cry. I don’t want to talk about it. He can’t even tweet a happy birthday tweet comfortably. Fuck you management and judgmental bitches. I’m a serious Larry shipper, but I don’t start sending hate to the girlfriends or start offending people. And fuck the people who send hate to the Larry shippers, or, god help me not to kill these people, THE PEOPLE WHO SEND HATE TO THE BOYS.
Imagine... You were introducing your new boyfriend to Niall and the boys not knowing that Niall had a crush on you. Niall didn't like him at all and when he turned his back Niall pulled this face to show his disgust. 

look at his hair...


That's why they're the best idols ever.


19 years of perfection.